Be a better person,that's our promise.
By Miao

2013年2月5日 星期二

Happy 10th Months Anniversary. ;)

•°”˜˜”°•.ღϠ₡ღ   02/02/2013   ღϠ₡ღ.•°”˜˜”°•
♥ MY DEAR,Happy 10th Months Anniversary
我竟然忘记了 哈哈 xD

02/02/13 12:00 am

[ Happy 10th months anniversary my babe girl.I knOw that for 
sure yOu fOrget hehe,but this time I remember.haha!
I can't think anything tO tell yOu because you knOw I'm stupid but will shOw
you hOw much I lOve yOu with my pure sOul.

I LOVE YOU CHUAH MIAO MIAO..And this is as usual stands fOrever! ]

我收到了dear的信息 才发现我忘记了 ;D

skype with dear ;)

斗鸡眼 xD

因为你的housemate在旁边 我一直弄你
你paiseh的样子很好笑 XD

昨天肚子很痛 回不了宿舍 只能躺在床上休息
在接到你的电话 一听到你的声音 我的眼泪马上掉下来了 :(

上个月刚开学的生活过得很糟 心情很down 让你辛苦了

[  千万不要输给你自己,我的女人.加油!我会陪伴你的,爱你!
好好睡觉,明天会更好的,晚安宝贝 ;)  ]

#谢谢DEAR的信息和陪伴 ;) 

My dear,I Love You so much ! ;)
